All things are possible with God
“What do you mean, ”f I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mk 9:23-24. We must grasp that with God all things are possible. We live in a world of dependencies where we accept limits placed on us by medicine, or what others tell us we can do or can’t do, but God wants to tale the natural things and apply the supernatural. He wants to take what little you have and create a great abundance for His names sake as a revelation of His glory in your life that will be an amazing witness to others. Start to dream and believe that God can take you beyond what you and others think is possible. Believe Him today for your provision, healing, deliverance, peace and breakthrough. He is always there for you and ready to take whatever small steps you are willing to make and turn them into giant leaps forward.
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