As we put God first in our life He will take care of our needs
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mat 6:33. God will look after what we need if we look after what He needs from us first. Its about putting God first and seeking His ways and following His direction for our life. He knows what we need even before we ask Him and its His desire that we don’t allow the worries or anxieties of the world to take our eyes off Him. When we decide to spend time with Him and follow His leading for our life,He will take care of the rest,that’s His promise to us and God doesn’t break His promise s. We must trust Him,and He will take care of our needs as we follow His promptings no matter how small or large. Only very few are called to full time ministry, but all of us are ambassadors for God in whatever we do. Praise God today that He will look after us as we seek first His will and ways for our life.