At Christmas we remember God’s greatest gift to humanity
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jn3:16. At Christmas we remember God’s greatest gift to humanity, the birth of His son Jesus who grew into a man, to redeem humanity to give us an eternal future. May the love of Jesus fill your heart with fresh hope for a better future and a fresh revelation of the eternal hope we have in Him. May His love bring peace into every area of your life and bring reconciliation and restoration where it’s needed. May the love of Jesus shine through your words and actions to bless all you meet. May you be a blessing to someone you wouldn’t normally reach out to in the true spirit of Christmas giving. Praise God today that we can celebrate the birth of His son Jesus who made it possible for us to live in the abundance and fullness that God had always intended for us.