Be bold, God wants to do amazing things through your life
And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs. Mk16:20. Jesus wants to work through your life as you step out to pray for others, and as you start to believe God for bigger things. God has always been with you and desires to reveal Himself to others through your prayers. Be brave, others will be touched by your desire to pray for them and be blessed as God moves in their life. Be bold, believe God for bigger things. God has planted seeds, dreams and desires in your heart so He can bring them to pass in your life. Praying bolder prayers will stir your faith and encourage you to step out. It’s as you step out that God will turn your small steps into giant leaps forward. Praise God today that He’s always with us, working in us and through us to see His plans fulfilled in our life and in the lives of others.
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