Commit everything you do to God and He will help you
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Ps 37:5. Sometimes our decisions do not yield the outcomes we had hoped for. When we commit our plans to God we’re giving Him permission to help us reach the best outcome possible, and sometimes His answer will be “no”, as God knows the outcome even before we ask Him. He may also direct us to delay our actions or to take a different approach. But we need to keep close to Him and spend time with Him so that we remain sensitive to His guidance and direction. As we choose to walk with Jesus each day, we will become more aware of His guidance in every area of our life. Praise God today that as we ask God for His help in everything that we do, we’re giving ourselves the best opportunity to live in the fullness that God has for us, as He sees our tomorrow and knows the best direction to take as we trust Him and walk with Him.