Do not miss out on God’s best by desiring what you don’t have
Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have. Eccl6:9 a. Don’t miss the blessings God has already put in your life by desiring what you don’t have. When we give discontentment place in our life and continually desire more of what we don’t have, we can miss the blessings that God has already placed in front of us. God gives us what we need and we should learn to be content with what we have, as the greatest blessings in life are not things, they reside in our relationships, our friendships and our families. When we start to spend more time with God, we’ll realise He is all we need, as we lean on Him, wait on Him, and keep our eyes on Him, we’ll see His favour grace and blessings flow into our life. Praise God today that He knows what we need, and as we look to Him we’ll see how His hand has been with us and blessing us throughout our life, even when we haven’t realised it.