Draw nearer to God and He will give you greater revelation
To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.” Mark 4:25. God’s Word is multi dimensional that’s speaks to us on different levels, the more time we spend waiting on God and reading His Word, the greater revelation we will receive. It will save you, set you free, fill you with hope, stir your heart, challenge you, and guide your steps. God only wants the very best for you, so as you draw nearer to Him, you will receive greater insight to guide every part of your life. If you don’t spend time with God, what little revelation you have will gradually fade as your focus shifts elsewhere. Praise God today that as you keep your eyes on Jesus and listen closely to His Words, He will profoundly change your life for the better and you will never be the same again. Prayerchair.org