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God has a destiny for you

Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan. Eph 1:11. You have an inheritance, a destiny In God. God chose you. In His profound love for you He has mapped out a plan for your life. With Jesus in your heart God will guide your steps in seeing those plans fulfilled. You may be going through difficulties now, but God has a way through for every situation, He even has solutions mapped out for problems you’re not even aware of yet. God will work out all things according to His purposes including turning around those things the devil has meant for harm to good, if you will trust Him. Praise God today that He has a destiny for you and that He desires to see His plans fulfilled in your life as you keep close to Him and follow His promptings in directing your steps.

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