God is our refuge and hope
You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope. Ps 119:114. In times of difficulty and uncertainty God is our refuge and strength. It is uncertainty and the impossible that opens the way to the supernatural power of God in our life. When we have exhausted our options and make a decision to put our faith in God we are moving into the God realm where He will move on our behalf. In fact God wants us to dwell in this place where in our weakness God becomes our strength. He shapes and develops our character through our circumstances and as we spend time with Him and meditate on His Word we will be filled with hope, and we will develop an expectant heart as God can not fail. He is more concerned about us than we will ever realise. Praise God today that He is a supernatural God, and as we draw nearer to Him, He will be our refuge and make the impossible possible in our life. Prayerchair.org