God is our shield and strength
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Is 41:10. God is our strength and our shield. He will always be with us and as we keep close to Him, His protection will never leave us. If God is for us, who, or what can be against us! Everyday thank God for His protection and covering, thank Him for His goodness and mercy, and that He will continually strengthen you. This is a time of testing for our faith as we stand on His Word and believe by faith, that the Lord is our strength and covering. Don’t focus on bad news and dwell on all of its negativity, but keep your eyes firmly on God who is your strength and the lifter of your head. Praise God today that if He is for you, nothing can be against you. Thank Him for His protection and covering that will always be with you. Prayerchair.org