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God’s answer is on its way, just trust Him

Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Dan 10:12-13a. We don’t always understand the spiritual dynamics of our requests on our lives, our future and the lives of others and the consequential delays, so we must trust God that He is moving on our behalf and that the answer will come. Therefore we must thank Him for the answer even before we receive it. Your heavenly Father is always moving in your very best interests, even beyond your own understanding. Delays don’t mean “no” they can also mean “not yet” as God makes a way. Thank God today that as your heavenly Father, He will always come through. So trust Him and rest in Him, your answer is on its way.

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