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God’s blessings bring true riches into our life

The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. Prov 10:22. God enriches our life in so many ways. Nothing we can do can out give God. When God blesses you, your life is filled with His peace and contentment. He’ll give you favour with others and open doors for you that no one can shut, and close doors for you that no one can open. As you choose to walk in His ways and keep close to Him each day, you will see His blessings being poured out on your life, even in the little things. When God blesses you there won’t be any trouble or struggle or conditions attached as God’s blessings are poured out on your life through your relationship with Him, because He loves you unconditionally beyond words. God’s blessings are a part of His plans for you to live a fulfilled life. Praise God today that He desires to bless us in all that we do as we keep close to Him each day.

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