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God’s hierarchy is fortunately different to mans

But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then. Mk10:31. Jesus was talking about Heaven. Heaven’s hierarchy is very different to mans. Man looks at the outside at the rich and famous but God looks at the inside at the heart and character of a person. Some of Heaven’s heroes will be those who no one had ever noticed or heard of who tirelessly interceded in prayer for our nation and for others. Others will be heroes of the faith who never gave up on God but kept walking in His ways and will regardless of their situation. Others will be those who’ve blessed others and shared the love of Jesus to be God’s hands and voice where there was no other. Praise God today that He’s more concerned with who we are on the inside rather than with what we have, so that in His sight we can all be one of Heaven’s heroes one day.

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