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God wants to be found

In reality, the truth of God is known instinctively, for God has embedded this knowledge inside every human heart. Rom1:19 TPT. God is not a hidden God, He has made it possible for every single person to discover Him. In every human heart He’s placed the desire to find Him. In the recent bush fires in Australia many atheists started to pray for the first time as in their heart they realised that what was beyond them needed God’s intervention. The wonders of creation reveals the majesty of God wherever we look. God wants to be found. He desires relationship with us. His unconditional love for us is beyond description, as He takes our worst to give us His best. He desires that we enjoy the fullness of an incredible faith filled life with Jesus in our heart. Praise God today that He sent us Jesus, gave us His Word and His creation, to reveal the wonders of His incredible love for us.

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