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God will only do something new in our life if we are willing to change

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.” Mk 2:22. When God wants to do something new in our life we must be willing to let go of our old ways and to take off our rose coloured glasses so we can see things from God’s perspective. If we desire to be used of God, effective for His Kingdom and to walk in victory, we must be willing to let go and trust Him. God will often require us to step out in some way that will be a prerequisite for what God wants to do in our life. Don’t be slow to act, the longer you wait the easier it becomes to find excuses for not doing what you really know you should be doing. Remember courage is not the absence of fear but knowing that what you must do is more important. Praise God today that He will lead us into breakthrough as we trust and obey Him.

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