Gods Word will stand forever
Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. Mk13:31. Gods words are not fashion statements for a season they are immutable truth forever. His Words are full of power and life that we can draw on and live by. His word gives eternal hope and life to all who believe. His Word holds the universe and our world in place. God can not lie and therefore we can fully rely on Gods Word for our life and the lives of others. Spend time in the Word today. Read it, study it and memorise it. Memorise passages that give you comfort, hope and that you can stand on in times of trial. Gods Word is full of promises and keys for every area of your life. You can stand strongly in the face of adversity as the devil also knows the Word and what he can get away with in your life when you don’t stand on Gods Word. As you become familiar with the Word you can stand and believe for greater things in your life.
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