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In our walk with God we live by faith and not by sight

For we live by believing and not by seeing. 2 Corinthians 5:7. The Christian life is a supernatural life where we live by faith and not by sight. We don't have to settle for what's happening to us or what we see, we can put our confidence in God who will move on our behalf to bring what we see in the spirit into the natural. God's Word is full of thousands of promises for us to bring us into the resurrection life, where we can live in the fulfilment of the everything that God has for us. God never promised us a trouble free life, but with Jesus in our heart He will show us a way through that we couldn't see before. He fills us with supernatural peace beyond words so that we can walk through life's problems whilst retaining our peace, and to reassure us that our eternal future is secure with Him. Praise God today that we can live a naturally supernatural life with Him where the best is yet to come.

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