It’s in our need that we are often closest to God
The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Ps34:17-18 Its in our need that we are often closest to God. It helps us to refocus on the importance of our dependency and relationship with Him. Often when things are going well we can easily forget about God. If we can learn to depend on Him in both the good times and in the bad, we will be far more aware of God’s guiding grace and not end up going through as many trails. God loves us with such as a zeal and as we keep close to Him, He will bind the broken heart, make a way where we cant see a way and be our strength to help us overcome, day by day, one step at a time. Praise God today that He is closer to us than the air we breathe and as we keep close to Him, He will be our comfort, peace, joy and strength in all things.
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