It’s your actions and not your words that reveal God’s love to others
Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people. Philemon1:7. It’s not what we say,but we do that people hear. No matter what we say,if our lifestyle is not aligned with our words and the love of God doesn’t flow through our lives, people will judge us rather than believe what we say. Our life is our witness and as you allow the love of Jesus to impact the lives of others,it will reinforce your testimony to the hope that we have in Jesus. Let God’s love flow through you. God will stir your heart and as you allow God to use you to bless others, you’ll be even more greatly blessed as you experience the joy of being used by God. Learn to love the unloveable and you will even soften hearts of stone. Praise God today that our lives are our witness and as we love others as God loves us,we’ll be fulfilled in all that we do.