Jesus is our strength in every situation
He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Psalm 23:3.
Nothing drains your strength more than worry or anxiety. It's in those places where we become mentally drained and can make wrong decisions,or even lose our way. Yet it's in our weakness that God is strong. Jesus said we should cast our cares on Him and allow Him to carry them. As we decide to trust God our strength will be renewed. God will make a way and bring us back onto the right path,in both direction for our life and right thinking. As you keep your eyes on God and not on your worries,and start to praise Him for the outcomes,even before you see them,your outlook and frame of mind will change. People will see the difference in your life and will glorify God as you share what God has done for you. Praise God today that when we are weak He is strong,and He'll be our strength in every situation.
