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Keep close to God as He is about to do a new thing

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Is 43:19. God doesn’t want life to be the same as it was before where people were lost in the busyness of life with little time for God and for each other. God is doing a new thing, He’ll take what the devil has meant for harm through this pandemic and turn it around for good. God is changing hearts at this time and helping people to focus on what’s really important in their life. It’s a time to deepen relationships with God and with each other. It’s a time to draw nearer to God and to seek Him and listen to his heartbeat in terms of what He desires for your life so that you can prepare yourself for what He’ll do next. Praise God today that He’s always with us directing our steps regardless of what’s happening around us.

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