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Let God bring out the best in your life

And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. Is64:8. The beauty of the creation is in the hands of the potter who sees the beauty of the outcome whilst its still only a lump of clay. God is the potter and you are the clay,when we walk with Him,His plans for our life will unfold much more quickly than when we resist the potters hand and work against His guidance for our life. He sees the problems that lay ahead even before we get there. Sometimes the road we choose may look wonderful even when God is promptIng us not to rely on what we see,as He sees the pain that lies ahead. We must keep alert to the potters hand and remember that sometimes our difficult moments can be the finishing touches to something amazing. Praise God today that He knows whats best for our life and as we trust Him and walk in His ways we will be blessed.

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