Let your thoughts and words honour God
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Ps 19:14. Sometimes we don’t move on in the things that God has for us because we’re not in alignment with God’s will for our life. Our language or our thought life can let us down. When our language doesn’t line up with God’s heart and we allow ourselves to dwell on those things that displease Him, we’ll stall in our walk with God. We need to do a quick spiritual health check and ask ourselves does our language honour God, and if our thought life was projected on a public screen, how would we feel? None of us are perfect and we all have our struggles at times, but what we dwell on comes from our heart and then flows from our lips to either honour or dishonour God. Praise God today that He is our redeemer and as we keep our eyes, thoughts and heart on Him, our life will honour Him. Prayerchair.org