Living to please God will release His favour
He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left. 2 Ki 22:2. Josiah did what pleased God that released Gods favour in His life. Never give up on God as He will never give up on you. Keep focussed on the path ahead and hold on tightly to His Word and His promises for your life. Do not veer to the left or to the right but keep your eyes on Him. Temptations may try to lure you away, but do not allow them to trap your heart and try to steal Gods destiny from your life. Keep your heart close to His, and in this way it will be much harder to veer off track and to fall into temptation. Thank God today for His Word that’s a blue print for a wonderful life and everything we need. Worship Him daily and thank Him for Jesus that will bring you into His presence where His love will affirm you, strengthen you and guide you.
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