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Precious Holy Spirit

Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'” (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. JN7:38-39a. The Holy Spirit is life. It is God with us, in us, working through us. The Holy Spirit illuminates truths in Gods Word as well as unique revelations of Gods will specific to our own life. He is closer than the air we breath and is always with us radiating Gods love for us in a personal way. When we spend time with God, the Holy Spirit ushers us into the Fathers presence to bring us into that place of peace beyond understanding regardless of our circumstances. Thank Jesus for His precious gift to us of the Holy Spirit. Draw nearer to God today and ask Him for a greater measure of His Holy Spirit to fill you with His love and joy to equip you and strengthen you.

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