The joy of the Lord is your strength
"Don't be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!" Nehemiah 8:10
The joy of the Lord is a deep inner lasting joy that we find in knowing God through His son Jesus that is different from the worlds joy that we can experience in different life situations. When we abide in Christ, He fills us with joy as we realise that in Him we can find true fulfilment in every area of our life as He guides our decisions, thoughts and actions. As we spend time with Him and His Word, the way we think and see things will also change. Our joy in Him will fill us, and we will be strengthened as we realise that our hope and life is in Him, in whom all things are possible, who will always be with us to guide us through every situation as we put our trust in Him. Praise God today that the joy of the Lord is our strength in every situation, that will never fail us as we keep trusting Him.
