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Trust God and He will make a way in the most difficult situations

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. IS 43:19. This is the time not to let your heart be troubled. It’s during times of adversity that God brings forth fresh dreams, new hope and helps people to refocus on what’s important in their lives. Trust God and not man. Look to God and ask Him what does He desire for your life at this time. Draw near to Him, and keep your ears and eyes open and God will direct your steps. Out of these desperate times God will bring forth green shoots in the dry places. Thank Jesus everyday for His blessings in your life and as you keep close to Him He will be your confidence. Praise God today that He knows the beginning from the end and He will make a way,even though we can’t see it,as we keep rejoicing in Him and thanking Him daily.

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