Walk by faith and not by sight to see God’s best for your life
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? Ps56:11. When we walk by faith we believe in the invisible, that God is moving supernaturally to make the impossible possible. As we keep trusting Him we’ll see His will come to pass. He is God over all situations, so it’s important that we learn not to walk by sight and allow what we see to create fear or doubt. We must walk by faith in what we can not yet see, and keep holding onto God’s immutable Words for our life, that will surely come to pass.- If He is for us, who can be against us, He created us to live in victory, to be the head and not the tail… As we keep close to God and stand daily on His promises for our life, we can resist the voices or thoughts that try to undermine what God wants to do in our life. Praise God today that as we look to Him and not at our circumstances we will walk in victory always. Prayerchair.org
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