We must be flexible if God is to use us
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.” Mk2:22. This is a new day and if we are to allow God flexibility to move in our life at this time,we must change too. We need to see things differently and stop comparing to what we had or what could be. At church we can’t sing,but we can worship quietly, wait in His presence and allow His Spirit to move. In these days we must be open and plyable in His hands as God will ask us to move differently. During this pandemic God’s plans for us won’t be thwarted, draw near to Him and ask Jesus to give you fresh revelation for your life. Praise God today that in Him we have fullness of joy regardless of our situation, and as we keep our heart open to His leading, we can walk in His peace,favour and guidance for our life at this time. Prayerchair.org