With Jesus in our heart we are more than conquerors
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Rom8:37. You were created for victory, to overcome the adversities of life and to step up and into your God given destiny, regardless of how old you are. With Jesus in our heart we're more than conquerors. He goes before us and is the great way maker. He is the wind in our sails who will take us further than we could ever imagine on our own. As we trust Him and keep close to Him,we'll sense His promptings onto hidden paths where windows of opportunities will open up for us for work or ministry. Don't believe the devils lies, that you can't do it, or that's not for you, or that you're not worthy. With Jesus you're more than a conqueror, where Jesus will make a way as you trust Him. Praise God today that if He is for us who can be against us! and as we step out and trust Him,we'll have a victorious life.