Your love for one another will speak more loudly about your faith than words
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. Jn13:35. Your faith is an outward working of an inward dwelling. What’s on your heart will flow through your words, actions and lifestyle. Isn’t it interesting how people can sense when somethings wrong, for some it’s written all over their face. The same is true when you walk in the Spirit, you take God’s presence with you and change the atmosphere. People may not say anything but they do sense that something is different about you -that’s God in you. As you love others in the most difficult situations and retain your peace when others would have long lost theirs, we are witnessing the love of God operating in us and through us. Look for opportunities to share your faith as your lifestyle should already have prepared the ground for you. Thank God today that because He first loved us,we can love others and God with all our heart.
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