Be God’s messenger of hope today
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Is52:7. How wonderful is it,when in a world of constant bad news with the media jumping from one crisis to another,you can be a messenger of hope to bring God’s love, joy and peace into someone’s life. When you share the love of Jesus, or offer to pray for their needs,you are releasing the blessing of heaven into their lives,through prayer you are releasing Gods power to change things that man can’t do. People need hope today like never before that there is a God who loves them unconditionally and desires to have a personal relationship with them,to give them fresh hope and an exciting future with Him. Praise God today that He has filled our life with love and hope. Ask Jesus to help us be His messengers of blessing into the lives of others today.
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