Be more like God
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Eph 5:1,2. Be imitators of God. When we accepted Jesus into our heart His eternal DNA transformed us by permeating our whole being, body,mind, soul and spirit. We are now citizens of heaven destined for an incredible eternal future with God. Our lives should mirror the hope we have in Him. We should take His presence with us where ever we go and allow His love to touch those we meet. God in us must overflow in our conversations, attitudes, motives and actions that will bring glory to God and draw people to Jesus. Let Gods love shine in you today. Worship Him and draw nearer to the Fathers heart to see His kingdom come in greater measure in your life and the lives of those around you.
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