Don’t put idols ahead of God in your life
Son of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that will make them fall into sin. Why should I listen to their requests? Ez 14:3. When we put things ahead of God we start to push further away from Him to the point where we are willing to compromise ourselves or our values for whatever we want. When we place, wealth, career, ambitions, popularity etc. ahead of our relationship with God we will miss out on what God has for us. He has the best plans, outcomes and future already laid out for us if we put Him first and allow Him to direct our steps. When our heart is for God, we will keep close to Him and compromising ourselves or our values will not be an option. Our desire will be to please Him and to walk in His ways. Praise God today that He desires relationship and not religion, where we can draw near to Him with our heart and not just our head.