Don’t worry about tomorrow, leave that to God
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Mat 6:34. God will give us sufficient strength to deal with one day at a time. He is directing us not to bring tomorrows anxieties into our today. God tells us His mercies are renewed each morning, so let’s trust Him for each day and do not worry about tomorrow. God is already in our tomorrow so we should not worry. We must trust Him that He’s guiding our steps, and even though the path maybe treacherous, we must trust Him that He is taking us through to the other side. Whilst we may need to plan for tomorrow, give your plans to God so that He can order your steps. Make the most of everyday. Don’t let worries about tomorrow rob God’s blessings for you today. Praise God today that as we trust Him and give Him our worries and concerns, we can live with His peace in our life every day.