God announced the birth of Jesus 800 years before He was born
The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. Is 9:2. 800 years before Jesus was born, His birth was forertold by the prophet Isaiah. He spoke of the shining star that would shine so brightly to lead those in darkness to the birth place of Jesus, where God became flesh to bring hope to a lost world. Christmas is when we remember God’s greatest gift to humanity. It’s a time where if you don’t know Jesus to follow the star and discover the wonder, beauty, majesty and saving grace of Jesus. And if you do know Jesus, it’s a time to follow the star and to draw even closer to Him. Jesus came to bring joy, eternal hope and freedom. He came to forgive us from our past failings that have held us back in so many ways, so that we can live in the fullness that God has for us. Thank God today that He sent His son Jesus to reconcile the world back to Himself that we remember at Christmas. Prayerchair.org