God knows our thoughts and knows us better than anyone else
May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord. Ps 104:34. It can be quite frightening to think that God knows all our thoughts. Yet in reality it’s quite liberating as no one knows us as intimately as God does. So when we’re at a cross road or struggling, we should turn to God and seek His guidance. It is God’s desire that we spend time with Him and allow Him to guide our steps as only He can. If we are dealing with a problem we can misdiagnose what’s happening then mistreat it and make it even worse. If we bring it to God, He knows every heart and every thought of all involved, and will give us wisdom and direction on how to move forward. As we keep our eyes and thoughts on Him, we bless Him and He will bless us. Praise God today that He desires only our very best and as we keep our eyes, thoughts and heart on Him, He will be our guiding light and blessing in our life. Prayerchair.org