God responds to a hungry heart
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jer 29:13. Jesus responds to a hungry heart. When you really press in to Him, He will meet you where you’re at. As you come into His presence He will fill you and nourish you with His living waters. He will guide you, lift you up and give you the wisdom you need. In His presence you will want more of Him. He loves you so much and has so much that He wants to share with you, and to release into your life as you walk with Him. As you follow His voice and His Word, you will step into greater dimensions that He has for your life where God will take you 3 steps for every 1 you take. Seek Him with all your heart as there is only upside in God. He wants to release you from those things that are holding you back, so keep pressing into Him and trust Him. Thank Jesus today that He can be found by all who look for Him with all their heart.