God’s Word is His roadmap for our life
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. PS 25:4. God’s Word is God’s way. It’s His road map for life. The Bible is the only book where the author shows up as we read it. God is there to reveal truths to our heart, to provide us guidance and direction for our life, to reveal His many promises for all who place their hope in Him, and to provide us comfort in our time of need. God’s Word is life changing. As we spend time in God’s Word each day, God will give us greater revelation so that we’ll see things in a different light and see things that we had not seen before. It’s Gods Word that reveals Jesus and His redemptive power to our heart. It’s the power of God at work, transforming the lives of everyone who believes. Thank God for His Word today that as we spend more time in His Word each day, we’ll have a greater revelation of His will for our life. Prayerchair.org
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