God says forgiveness is not optional
Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven! Mat18:31-22. We become prisoners of unforgiveness when we choose not to forgive. Unforgiveness requires us to keep the hurt, pain and anger alive so we don’t forget. But Jesus came to set us free, He forgave all our sins without condition so we could live in the freedom and liberty He always intended for us. Unforgiveness more often than not causes us more pain than the offender. As we forgive we actually release ourselves from the pain of the offence,so we can enter into that place of inner peace that God has for us. As Jesus forgave us,we must forgive others too. Praise God today that our life will be blessed as we choose to forgive and show love and compassion rather than continuing to harbour anger and resentment. Prayerchair.org