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God will never give up on you

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Phil 1:6. God is continually at work in our life to help us to become the best version of ourselves that He created us to be. When we accept Jesus into our heart, He begins a process to heal past pains and hurts, to break off addictions and those areas of our life that have stopped us from stepping into our God given destiny. He loves us too much to leave just us we are. As we remain humble in heart and open to His direction, we will see His hand move in many wonderful ways in our life. As we keep trusting Him, and keep our eyes on Him, He will guide our steps and actions. Praise God today that He is continually at work in our life to strengthen us and to guide us so that our lives may be filled with His joy, peace and hope.

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