Hold on to Gods promises
The LORD now said to Moses, “Send out men to explore the land of Canaan, the land I am giving to the Israelites. Send one leader from each of the twelve ancestral tribes.”. Num 13:2-3. Our trials are an opportunity to strengthen our faith in God and to draw nearer to Him. The Lord had promised the land to the Isralites and it was the Lord who sent them in to explore the land so they could see His promise to the people and to trust Him to take them into that promise and to subdue it. We must hold on to Gods word and trust Him to fulfil His Word,His promise, in our lives for whatever we are believing for. Whilst we have the promise, we must trust God to take us through our circumstances until we receive it, regardless of the challenges that lie ahead. Praise Him today that no challenges are too big for God and as you trust Him, He will strengthen you and make a way to see His word fulfilled in your life.
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