Never underestimate the importance of prayer
But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. LK 5:15-16. The importance of prayer can not be underestimated. Even Jesus in the midst of His ministry while radically transforming lives through His words and miracles still had to withdraw often, to spend time with the Father. Prayer is how we communicate with God. As we pray, we share our heart, our burdens and our gratitude with God. Its in the secret place when you are alone with God that He strengthens you and speaks into your Spirit as you wait on Him. Prayer is so important as it keeps our eyes on God who can bring victory into every area of our life. Spend time with Him today. As you just love Him and spend regular time in prayer, He will strengthen you and guide your thoughts and your steps.
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