The power of prayer changes everything
Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Lk11:1 The apostles saw Jesus walk on water they saw him raise the dead, heal the sick and yet the only thing we are told they asked Jesus to teach them, was how to pray. Why? Because they saw that things happened when Jesus prayed. Everything that Jesus did was linked to prayer so the disciples knew that with an effective understanding of how to pray and an effective prayer life that they could do what they saw Jesus do. So we too need to draw nearer to the Father each day in prayer and develop effective prayer habits that will see God move wonderfully in response to our prayers. Praise God today that He is a prayer answering God,and as we pray daily and draw closer to Him we’ll see God do amazing things in and through our life.