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Time is a precious gift from God, use it wisely

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, Eccl3:1-2a. The most precious gift we have is time. Once it’s gone we can’t get it back. In fact it’s so precious the whole world is united against the current pandemic that seeks to steal the lives of many. Our news no longer speaks of our political or religious differences but only of the one foe that has locked down the world. At this time we need to come to feet of the great life giver,our Lord Jesus Christ and seek His protection that we may live long on the earth and flourish in His goodness. Spend more time with Him each day, allow His love to comfort you and those around you. Look at how you’re using your time and make every minute count. Praise God today that He’s always with us and as we seek His protection and dIrection, let’s use our time wisely for His glory.

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