True freedom comes when you can love your enemies
“But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.”Mk 6:27-28. When you love your enemies you can experience true freedom. When you can bless those who hurt you, you are released from any hold they may have over you as you place them into God’s care and look to God’s deliverance and not your own solutions. God’s ways are not our ways, whereas we may want to get even,but God wants us to bless those who curse us that acts as a powerful witness to Gods goodness in our life,actively reaching out to touch others. When we pray for our enemies we release God’s grace to touch and change their heart. Praise God today that His ways are not our ways and that as we trust His ways for our life,we can live a life of freedom and rise above the actions of others,so that what the devil meant for harm God will turn to good.
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