We must have childlike faith
But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Mt 19:14. Childlike faith is wonderful, where we are willing to accept God’s Word without requiring to the answers of the universe beforehand. God has given us sufficient knowledge to find Him and to follow Him. It’s in the following that greater revelation and many of the answers we are looking for will come. It’s a walk of faith, just one day at a time. One of the most admirable characteristics with children is the ability to make up after a fight or a disagreement, and to continue on as though nothing happened. We need to put yesterday behind us, be quick to forgive and live for today, walking with God so we can truly live and enjoy the life God has for us. Praise God today that as we just trust God and walk by faith we will live the best life possible. Prayerchair.org