We need a heart after God’s own heart
But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’ Acts 13:22. David was a shepherd boy who grew up to become a King. He was not by any means perfect and had his faults just like any other person, but He had a heart for God, and was passionate about knowing God and His ways. David was transparent before God in both the good and bad times and came to God for forgiveness when things went wrong. God blessed David in all that He did as David walked daily with God. As we draw nearer to God, it will be our desire to do what God desires for our life that will release His favour as we step into the plans He has for us. Praise God today that as we desire a heart after God’s own heart, and keep close to Him, we’ll see God’s plans for us wonderfully fulfilled in our life. Prayerchair.org
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