What consumes your passion?
Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. PS 69:9. What consumes your passion? Whatever it is will be a priority in your life that will direct your actions and decisions. Your passion will be visible to all, some will criticise and others will want to know more. But a passion for the things of God will protect your soul and direct your actions. Gods love through His son Jesus will fill every void in your heart. Dont place your passion in things that will perish or steal your eternal future but place them in Him, in His son Jesus, let His desires become your desires, let His love fill you so full to overflowing that it becomes contagious and draws others to Him. Praise and love God today. Thank him for loving you so much that He sent His son Jesus to die on a cross for you so that you can have unlimited access to His throne of grace, love and mercy.
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