You are an ambassador of Heaven
Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Ph 1:27a. When we accepted Jesus into our heart we were adopted into His family and became heirs and citizens of heaven. Our eternal lineage is now in Jesus, heaven is our spiritual Home that awaits us in all its splendour at the appointed time. In our walk with God we must live as ambassadors of Heaven. As children of God our lives should radiate the love that He has poured into us. We should live a life that will please God and bless others. As we walk with God in His ways, we will hear His voice and His guidance with greater clarity in our lives so that we can step into the fulfilment of the plans that God has for us. Praise God today that we are heirs of Heaven and His ambassadors on earth. May our lives always reflect the glory and love that He has lavished on us.